Well, the š—žš—²š—»š˜š˜‚š—°š—øš˜† š——š—²š—暝—Æš˜† is over for another year, someone won, everyone else lost. That’s about the level of my interest. In my book there was only one Kentucky Derby that mattered, the 1970 installment, and then only after the fact.

That’s because it was the event in which š—›š˜‚š—»š˜š—²š—æ š—¦ š—§š—µš—¼š—ŗš—½š˜€š—¼š—» and š—„š—®š—¹š—½š—µ š—¦š˜š—²š—®š—±š—ŗš—®š—» (š˜µš˜©š˜Ŗš˜“ š˜£š˜¦š˜Ŗš˜Æš˜Ø š˜µš˜©š˜¦ š˜§š˜Ŗš˜³š˜“š˜µ š˜µš˜Ŗš˜®š˜¦ š˜µš˜©š˜¦š˜ŗ š˜¦š˜·š˜¦š˜Æ š˜®š˜¦š˜µ) finally put it all together, and š—šš—¼š—»š˜‡š—¼ š—š—¼š˜‚š—暝—»š—®š—¹š—¶š˜€š—ŗ was born, in the form of ā€˜š—§š—µš—² š—žš—²š—»š˜š˜‚š—°š—øš˜† š——š—²š—暝—Æš˜† š—œš˜€ š——š—²š—°š—®š—±š—²š—»š˜ š—®š—»š—± š——š—²š—½š—暝—®š˜ƒš—²š—±’.

For those that might not be familiar, Gonzo is a very manic and even psychotic version of the New Journalism practiced by Wolfe and Capote and Plimpton, and it was in this article that it was finally given it’s full life. And it’s also where it was given a name as well, by š—•š—¶š—¹š—¹ š—–š—®š—暝—±š—¼š˜€š—¼, the editor of the š˜½š™¤š™Øš™©š™¤š™£ š™‚š™”š™¤š™—š™š š™Žš™Ŗš™£š™™š™–š™® š™ˆš™–š™œš™–š™Æš™žš™£š™š, who told Thompson ā€œš˜š˜°š˜³š˜Øš˜¦š˜µ š˜¢š˜­š˜­ š˜µš˜©š˜Ŗš˜“ š˜“š˜©š˜Ŗš˜µ š˜ŗš˜°š˜¶ā€™š˜·š˜¦ š˜£š˜¦š˜¦š˜Æ š˜øš˜³š˜Ŗš˜µš˜Ŗš˜Æš˜Ø, š˜µš˜©š˜Ŗš˜“ š˜Ŗš˜“ š˜Ŗš˜µ; š˜µš˜©š˜Ŗš˜“ š˜Ŗš˜“ š˜±š˜¶š˜³š˜¦ š˜Žš˜°š˜Æš˜»š˜°. š˜š˜§ š˜µš˜©š˜Ŗš˜“ š˜Ŗš˜“ š˜¢ š˜“š˜µš˜¢š˜³š˜µ, š˜¬š˜¦š˜¦š˜± š˜³š˜°š˜­š˜­š˜Ŗš˜Æš˜Ø.ā€ And roll he did.

š™‚š™§š™–š™£š™©š™”š™–š™£š™™ did a fine “Director’s Cut” of the article (š™Žš™˜š™–š™£š™”š™–š™£’š™Ø, š˜µš˜©š˜¦ š˜®š˜¢š˜Øš˜¢š˜»š˜Ŗš˜Æš˜¦ š˜Ŗš˜µ š˜°š˜³š˜Ŗš˜Øš˜Ŗš˜Æš˜¢š˜­š˜­š˜ŗ š˜¢š˜±š˜±š˜¦š˜¢š˜³š˜¦š˜„ š˜Ŗš˜Æ, š˜„š˜Ŗš˜„š˜Æ’š˜µ š˜®š˜¢š˜¬š˜¦ š˜Ŗš˜µ š˜°š˜¶š˜µ š˜°š˜§ 1970 š˜£š˜¦š˜§š˜°š˜³š˜¦ š˜§š˜°š˜­š˜„š˜Ŗš˜Æš˜Ø) back in 2013, and I’d highly recommend giving it a read. You might find, as I did, that we’ve not really gone very far from 1970 after all.…/looking-back-hunter-s-thompson…

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